The thiss-js includes the following components:
A persistence service accessible via the thiss-ds-js PersitenceService API in the
URI context.A SAML discovery service in the
URI contextA login button component available via
Each service requires some form of integration to be used by a relying party. A good introduction to the various forms of integration is the integration guide over at
By order of complexity the alternatives are:
OASIS Identity Provider Discovery
Using the SAML discovery service requires a SAML SP implementation supporting the SAML identity provider discovery protocol, eg Shibboleth, SimpleSAMLphp or pysaml2. In this case you simply configure the SP to use https://your.thiss-js.instance/ds/ as the discovery service URL eg or
Persistence Service
In order to directly interact with the persistence service and low-level discovery components you need to implement your own components using the low-level APIs in thiss-ds-js.
The persistence service supports ACLs based on whitelisting (currently). Turn on by providing a comma-separated list of domains in the env variable WHITELIST. Only ORIGINs that end with any of the items in the list (remember that port-numbers are part of the ORIGIN if present!) are allowed to call the API when this feature is turned on. This is only meant for small scale deployments.